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Jiahang Shao
  • 客座教授
  • 0755-21096059
  • shaojiahang@mail.iasf.ac.cn

         邵佳航,2011年学士毕业于清华大学电子工程系,2016年博士毕业于清华大学工程物理系。2016年至2021年在美国阿贡国家实验室先后任博士后、助理研究员,从事高梯度加速结构与束流结构尾场加速研究。2021年全职加入深圳综合粒子设施研究院,任研究员,主要负责深圳中能高重复频率X射线自由电子激光装置中电子枪、聚束器、偏转腔、尾场结构等常温微波结构研制工作。目前已在Physical Review Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams等学术期刊发表文章二十余篇,出版学术专著一本。






2022年 国家级人才青年项目

2022年 广东省人才青年项目

2021年 深圳市海外高层次人才计划C类

2016年 清华大学优秀博士学位论文一等奖



[1] Jiahang Shao; Investigations on rf breakdown phenomenon in high gradient accelerating structures, Springer, 2018.

[2] Jiahang Shao; Chunguang Jing; Eric Wisniewski; Gwanghui Ha; Manoel Conde; Wanming Liu; John Power; Lianmin Zheng; Development and high-power testing of an X-band dielectric-loaded power extractor, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2020, 23(1): 011301.

[3] Jiahang Shao; Mitchell Schneider; Gongxiaohui Chen; Tanvi Nikhar; Kiran Humar Kovi; Linda Spentzouris; Eric Wisniewski; John Power; Manoel Conde; Wanming Liu; High power conditioning and benchmarking of planar nitrogen-incorporated ultrananocrystalline diamond field emission electron source, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2019, 22(12): 123402

[4] Jiahang Shao; Jiaru Shi; Sergey P. Antipov; Sergey V. Baryshev; Huaibi Chen; Manoel Conde; Wei Gai; Gwanghui Ha; Chunguang Jing; Faya Wang; Eric Wisniewski; In situ observation of dark current emission in a high gradient rf photocathode gun, Physical Review Letters, 2016, 117(8): 084801

[5] Jiahang Shao; Sergey P. Antipov; Sergey V. Baryshev; Huaibi Chen; Manoel Conde; Darrell S. Doran; Wei Gai; Chunguang Jing; Wanming Liu; John Power; Jiaqi Qiu; Jiaru Shi; Dan Wang; Faya Wang; Charles E. Whiteford; Eric Wisniewski; Liling Xiao; Observation of field-emission dependence on stored energy, Physical Review Letters, 2015, 115(26): 264802

[6] B. Freemire; J. Shao; S. Weatherly; M. Peng; E. Wisniewski; S. Doran; W. Liu; C. Whiteford; X. Lu; S. Poddar; E. Gomez; J. Power; C. Jing; Development of X-band single-cell dielectric disk accelerating structures, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2023, 26(7): 071301.

[7] H. Kong; M. Chung; D. S. Doran; G. Ha; S.‑H. Kim; J.‑H. Kim; W. Liu; X. Lu; J. Power; J.‑M. Seok; S. Shin; J. Shao; C. Whiteford; E. Wisniewski; Fabrication of THz corrugated wakefield structure and its high power test, Scientific Reports, 2023, 13:3207.

[8] W. H. Tan; S. Antipov; D. S. Doran; G. Ha; C. Jing; E. Knight; S. Kuzikov; W. Liu; X. Lu; P. Piot; J. G. Power; J. Shao; C. Whiteford; E. E.Wisniewski; Demonstration of sub-GV/m accelerating field in a photoemission electron gun powered by nanosecond X-band radio-frequency pulses, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2022, 25(8): 083402.

[9] Mitchell E. Schneider; Benjamin Sims; Emily Jevarjian; Ryo Shinohara; Tanvi Nikhar; Taha Y. Posos; Wanming Liu; John Power; Jiahang Shao; Sergey V. Baryshev; Ampere-class bright field emission cathode operated at 100 MV/m, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2021, 24(12): 123401.

[10] K. E. Nichols; H. L. Andrews; D. Kim; E. I. Simakov; M. Conde; D. S. Doran; G. Ha; W. Liu; J. F. Power; J. Shao; C. Whiteford; E. E. Wisniewski; S. P. Antipov; G. Chen; Demonstration of transport of a patterned electron beam produced by diamond pyramid cathode in an rf gun, Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116(2): 023502.

[11] Xueying Lu; Julian F. Picard; Michael A. Shapiro; Ivan Mastovsky; Richard J. Temkin; Manoel Conde; John G. Power; Jiahang Shao; Eric E. Wisniewski; Maomao Peng; Gwanghui Ha; Jimin Seok; Scott Doran; Chunguang Jing; Coherent high-power RF wakefield generation by electron bunch trains in a metamaterial structure, Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116(26): 264102.

[12] Gongxiaohui Chen; Linda Spentzouris; Chunguang Jing; Manoel Conde; Gwanghui Ha; Wanming Liu; John Power; Eric Wisniewski; Anirudha V. Sumant; Sergey Antipov; Edgar Gomez; Kiran Kumar Kovi; Jiahang Shao; Demonstration of nitrogen-incorporated ultrananocrystalline diamond photocathodes in a RF gun environment, Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 117(17): 171903.

[13] Lianmin Zheng; Jiahang Shao; Eric E. Wisniewski; John G. Power; Yingchao Du; Wanming Liu; Charles E. Whiteford; Manoel Conde; Scott Doran; Chunguang Jing; Chuanxiang Tang; Rapid thermal emittance and quantum efficiency mapping of a cesium telluride cathode in an rf photoinjector using multiple laser beamlets, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2020, 23(5): 052801.

[14] Xueying Lu; Michael A Shapiro; Ivan Mastovsky; Richard J Temkin; Manoel Conde; John G Power; Jiahang Shao; Eric E Wisniewski; Chunguang Jing; Generation of high-power, reversed-Cherenkov wakefield radiation in a metamaterial structure, Physical Review Letters, 2019, 122(1): 014801.

[15] Yang Yu; Kueifu Lai; Jiahang Shao; John Power; Manoel Conde; Wanming Liu; Scott Doran; Chunguang Jing; Eric Wisniewski; Gennady Shvets; Transition Radiation in Photonic Topological Crystals: Quasiresonant Excitation of Robust Edge States by a Moving Charge, Physical Review Letters, 2019, 123(5): 057402.